Knights of Columbus 4th Degree

The Fourth Degree's 3rd Annual
Emergency Responder
Appreciation Luncheon
was on
Thursday March 21, 2024
Emergency Responder
Appreciation Luncheon
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

The 4th Degree Knights of Columbus in Wimberley, Texas support all the Emergency Responders in our Valley.

The 4th Degree Knights of Columbus, Assembly 3109, donated funds to four groups of Wimberley Valley Emergency Responders. The Checks were presented to Wimberley Fire & Rescue, Wimberley Sheriff’s Department, Hays County Constable Precinct 3 and Wimberley EMS. A special donation was made to the Department of Public Safety Officers at an independent presentation. The 4th Degree Knights hold annual “Emergency Responder Appreciation Luncheon” in the Spring that supplies complimentary lunches to over 110 Wimberley Valley Emergency Responders.